The Sustainable CEO Strategy Day

Transform Your Business to Work With Your Body, Not Against It

You've tried following traditional advice, only to end up with:

Pushing through flares to meet arbitrary deadlines

Watching carefully planned launch dates slip by because your body had other plans

Feeling guilty because you can't show up with the same consistency as other business owners

Wondering if it's even possible to build a successful business with unpredictable energy

What if you could stop fighting against your body and start building a business that actually supports your


Ready to Create Your Sustainable Success Plan?

Only $497

Launch Promo

50% OFF

Usually $997

What This Is (And Isn't)

A series of focused planning sessions with natural breaks built in

Strategic guidance from someone who has and understand chronic illness

A framework for making energy-conscious business decisions

A clear action plan you can implement at your own pace

A collaborative experience that respects your energy levels


Long, draining Zoom calls that exhaust you

A high-pressure intensive requiring constant engagement

A done-for-you service that builds your systems 

A course on how to implement specific strategies

A one-size-fits-all business blueprint

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book your sustainable CEO strategy day

Each Sustainable CEO Strategy Day includes:

Flexible pre-work completed at your pace

Four focused strategy sessions via Marco Polo

Your personalized Sustainable Success Action Plan (delivered within 3 business days)

Strategy recap video for easy reference

Contact information

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xSustainable CEO Strategy Day$497

All prices in USD